Support the
Vermont Kids Code

97% of teens (13 to 17) say they use the internet daily.
1 in 8 Instagram users under the age of 16 said they had experienced unwanted sexual advances in the past seven days.
75% of the top social media platforms use AI to recommend children’s profiles to strangers.

The Kids Code is a consumer protection bill that would require online products reasonably likely to be accessed by children under 18 to be age-appropriate, institute privacy by design and default, and be designed with kids’ best interests.

The Kids Code was introduced in Vermont following the most comprehensive legal challenge to social media’s impact on the health and well-being of children to date in the US. Together, 41 states, including Vermont, have sued Meta for intentionally designing addictive and harmful products. The Kids Code would address the extractive practices outlined by Vermont Attorney General Charity Clark in the Vermont lawsuit, including the use of extortive privacy practices and the use of addictive features such as infinite scroll and autoplay.

How it Works

Fact Sheet

Impact of the AADC

Parents, young people, teachers, medical professionals, join us in fighting for a better online future.

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Video Testimonials

Juniper, Young person in VT
Dr. Schumacher, Medical Professional in VT

Press Releases


      Supporting Organizations